Saturday, August 29, 2009

...So Many Foods!

Who would think that something as simple, as nutritious and as delicious as a nectarine could be like poison?!?!? Well, after countless diets and much observation coupled with years of experience with young children under my belt, I have found that in fact, for my daughter nectarines are poison...who knew!? Peaches, as it turns out, are a whole different story. They are what they seem...for Ella anyways!

The story begins with a long and difficult birth, a joyous arrival and well....the journey begins. Little Ella arrives; mama is confused; research begins and a solution is found! That's the short version.

I don't quite know how to describe the incredible gratitude I have to Peter D'Adamo for all of his research and knowledge. The Genotype Diet has changed both my daughter and I's lives...dramatically! and was not the first place I looked for a solution to the insomnia, eczema, candida, behavior issues, the constipation and the on the "spectrum" type behaviors that prevented my sweet Ella from reaching her true potential, but I believe it is the stop that will take me to amazing places and beyond.

I wanted to get this blog started and though I haven't shared my entire story, it's a beginning. If you have a child with behavior issues, digestive issues or are concerned in any way, you will want to hear more. I want to share my experience and the wealth of resources I have gathered from the rooftops. I guess this is the start...

It's not a one size fits all approach, every child has a different make up and needs a diet tailored to fit their needs. The diet I have put both Ella and myself is based on both the blood type and our body make up and it rocks! I have gathered info from homeopaths,dietitians and my own research and experience and hope you'll be able to use some of it to enrich your lives.

To be continued....